Yum Asia Brand User Manuals
Our manuals are available in English, French, German, Spanish and Italian. These are included as standard in paperback format with your purchase and are also available here in PDF format for viewing and downloading.
EN - English | FR - French | DE - German | IT - Italian | ES - Spanish | NL- Dutch | PH - Filipino | MY - Malay | CN - Chinese | TH - Thai
Zojirushi Brand User Manuals
Zojirushi manuals are available in English language only. These are included as standard in paperback format with your purchase and are also available here in PDF format for viewing and downloading.

Zojirushi CV-CSQ30 water heater
"A good manual is the heart of all good electrical appliances"
We keep our manuals comprehensive with enough information to operate things from beginner to pro. Where possible we make them for your language.
Any questions – we are here to help whatever the language or whatever your needs.